Tri-Star has a hiring policy based on social inclusion and equal opportunity for people with special needs.
The last survey released by the Brazilian Annual Social Information Report (RAIS) in 2018 counted the presence of 418,521 people with disabilities working in the formal labor market in Brazil.
These data show a growth of 3.79% compared to the previous year (2015). Despite this growth, it is worth noting that this figure represents only 0.7% of total employment in Brazil.
Therefore, according to Brazilian Federal Law No. 8,213, of July 24, 1991, it is the duty of companies with more than 100 employees to hire disabled people in order to contribute to the inclusion of professionals with special needs in the labor market .
Being a global company with more than 20 years of experience in the airport services market and a large number of employees, Tri-Star qualifies for this law enforcement.
However, even without this legal obligation, the company has always cherished social inclusion, and has an internal policy of equal opportunities by hiring professionals with special needs.
With the full support of the National Civil Aviation Agency and the National Service of Industrial Learning in the implementation of this project, currently (at least) 5% of the positions available in Tri-Star are intended for people with special needs.
We always seek to respect each need and particularity in order to stimulate the skills that contribute to the professional development of each one.
So, if you are or you know someone who has a special need and is looking for an opportunity in the job market in a company that has one of its main mottos to value people, enter the section “work with us” and send the resume !